Exhibits Introduction
Booth No.:A11
About Us:

We help industries that generate large amounts of time-series data, such as Connected Vehicles (CV), IoT, and Observability, to efficiently uncover the hidden value of data in real-time.

Visit the latest version to get started and get the most out of your data.

GreptimeDB, written in Rust, is a distributed, open-source time-series database designed for unlimited horizontal scaling, high performance, and integrated analytics. We provide GreptimeDB Enterprise for corporate users which supports more enterprise features and customized services. Contact us here for more information.

GreptimeCloud is a fully-managed cloud database-as-a-service (DBaaS) solution built on GreptimeDB. It efficiently supports applications in fields such as observability, IoT, and finance. The built-in observability solution, GreptimeAI, helps users comprehensively monitor the cost, performance, traffic, and security of LLM applications.

The Vehicle-Cloud Integrated TSDB is a finely tailored solution that aligns closely with the specific business scenarios of automotive companies, addressing the challenges posed by the exponential growth of vehicle data. The multimodal vehicle-side database, combined with the cloud-based GreptimeDB Enterprise, greatly reduces traffic, computing, and storage costs, and boosts data timeliness and business insight capabilities.

If anything above draws your attention, don't hesitate to star us on GitHub or join GreptimeDB Community on Slack. Also, you can go to our contribution page to find some interesting issues to start with.

Product Name: Vehicle-cloud Integrated TSDB Solution


The Greptime vehicle-cloud integrated solution is a time-series database solution deeply embedded in the actual business scenarios of automobile companies. It addresses the pain points that arise when the volume of data in smart vehicles grows exponentially. This solution has been highly recognized by leading automobile companies for reducing customer data usage costs and increasing data usage efficiency.


Exhibit Architecture Diagram:


GreptimeDB Edge: Specially designed for vehicle environments, the GreptimeDB Edge version optimizes storage and computing environments with low resource requirements. It fully utilizes the computing power inside vehicles to develop in-vehicle applications, meeting the needs for data collection and computation within vehicles. Data files with high compression rates can be directly synchronized to cloud-based object storage for cloud querying, significantly reducing bandwidth and traffic costs.


GreptimeDB on the Cloud: A cloud-native distributed time-series database with built-in SQL analysis capabilities, compatible with upstream and downstream data ecosystems (MySQL protocol, monitoring ecosystem protocols, visualization tools, etc.). Based on object storage, the architecture can be elastically expanded, with low operation and storage costs.

The vehicle-cloud integrated version is specially optimized for vehicle-cloud scenarios to enhance the reading speed of data uploaded from the vehicle side and supports large-scale vehicle terminals.


GreptimeDB Edge Manager: A control plane management platform that manages and monitors data models, data quality, and upload tasks for edge devices and the vehicle-cloud endpoints, enhancing end-to-end operational capabilities.


Embedded TSDB for ARM architecture compatibleAndroid/Linux system

Low resource reguirements tosupport in-vehicle applications



Highly compressed data flesdirectly sync to object storage.reducing bandwidth cost

Allow queries to be pusheddown to vehicle



Use object storage for ultra-lowstorage cost (1/30 of the original)

Fast data ingestion without formattransformation

Users and Case Studies:

Leading domestic car manufacturers, State Grid, and the Guizhou Airport IoT platform, among others.